Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring is Here

I was just out on the back porch, at 7:15 on this perfect spring evening, hanging my kids' diapers on the line to dry.  The sun is setting against the trees, and the clouds have cleared out.  Then I look to the side of the porch and notice that one of the azaleas that I planted last year is colored with light pink blossoms. 

I love this time of year.  I love seeing the buds bursting out of the tips of the tree limbs and the hydrangeas poking up from their dormant winter state.  I love seeing that my crepe myrtle is starting to grow back again, and the Japanese maple in the front yard is unfurling its first leaves.  I love watching my ruby loropetalums bloom their bright pink firecracker blossoms.  The knockout roses are growing back with their usual fervour, and the zoysia is really greening up.

I have truly enjoyed watching all of my hard work from last summer return to provide another beautiful landscape for my children to play in.  Yes, there are weeds to pick and mulch to spread, but I love getting dirt under my fingernails and sweat on my brow.  Miles and Vivienne even get excited and "help" me weed.  I just need to teach them which one is a pansy and which one is a weed!  But I appreciate the help anyway.

I look forward to seeing what the upcoming weeks and months bring.  And I look forward to having a third set of chubby little toes running around on that grass next summer.  It will be here before we know it.

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