Saturday, November 12, 2011

Miles Takes His First Steps

Miles took his first steps today.  He had never taken any steps on his own before today, and he took at least 5 steps in a row tonight.  Jason and I were sitting on the floor.  He held Miles up and said "walk to Mommy" and Miles took 5 unsteady steps on his own.  I could tell by the look on his face that he was incredibly proud of himself.  He sort of fell onto my hand, which made me scratch his face a little, so he immediately started crying... not a perfect ending to his first steps, but he recovered quickly.

To top it off, my mom is here visiting, so Grandma got to see his very first steps!  Jason is leaving tomorrow to spend a few days in Seattle for work.  I am so glad that Miles took his steps before Jason left.  We really didn't want Daddy to miss the big event.  Congratulations, Miles!

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